Monday, 27 May 2013

2nd Spoon!

So I thought I would post a few pics of my second spoon which I made from Birch fished with Flax Oil.  Its a cooking spoon that's why it has that sharp point in the corner for getting into the corner of the pan when cooking.
Been great fun to do and I've been making a few more Spoon blanks with Nigel Leach this bank Holiday, so lots to do!

I would like to say a massive thanks to Nigel with helping me with this one with his guidance and inspiration!  Also I would like to say to any beginners here that it really helps if you can get a more experienced carver to help guide you in those first baby steps into carving.  Or go on one those great courses that many in this forum provide or get yourself down to Spoonfest.  Its helped me so much and made the process so much more fun, and I feel that I have progressed that much quicker because of it.  Big Kudos to all those great carvers out there who are willing to share their knowledge.  I Thank You!



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