Monday, 27 May 2013

2nd Spoon!

So I thought I would post a few pics of my second spoon which I made from Birch fished with Flax Oil.  Its a cooking spoon that's why it has that sharp point in the corner for getting into the corner of the pan when cooking.
Been great fun to do and I've been making a few more Spoon blanks with Nigel Leach this bank Holiday, so lots to do!

I would like to say a massive thanks to Nigel with helping me with this one with his guidance and inspiration!  Also I would like to say to any beginners here that it really helps if you can get a more experienced carver to help guide you in those first baby steps into carving.  Or go on one those great courses that many in this forum provide or get yourself down to Spoonfest.  Its helped me so much and made the process so much more fun, and I feel that I have progressed that much quicker because of it.  Big Kudos to all those great carvers out there who are willing to share their knowledge.  I Thank You!



Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Colorado spooning.

Just received my spoon for  the international spoon swap all the way from Colorado.  Made by a chap called  Bear Limvere. The spoon is made of Ponderosa Pine and is finished with "odies oil". A massive thank you to Bear. The swap has been of great inspiration to me as a new carver and will help me improve my own skills! Anyway here are some pics, enjoy.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

International Spoon Swap!

So i belong to a group on Facebook who love everything to do with green woodworking and making spoons.
Last year I went to a great little event in Edale Called Spoonfest, a first of its kind.  About 100 or so people leaning and sharing skills in how to make spoons.  So part of this new Facebook group was to go the next step and set up the first International spoon swap.  Where like minded carvers, craftsmen and women make a spoon each and send to someone else across the other side of the world.  Well actual mine went just down the road to Devon but you get the idea.  The recipient of my spoon didn't know who was making it and I didn't know who I was to receive one from!  All very exciting.
Well I loved participating in this event and hope there's one next year.  Its a great way to learn from other great crafts people.

So here are a few pics of my finished spoon, made from cherry and finished with flax oil. The spoon also shows my makers mark which I must thank Nigel leach for in helping me design it, another great spoon maker.

check him out here  he makes things to order if you were ever interested in commissioning any pieces from him.

Thanks again I hope you like the spoon.

Monday, 22 April 2013

A lazy Sunday!

So I say lazy, but in hindsight quite a tiring one. Had 2 swimming parties to attend with the boys but had chance to make a few paracord braclets. Been wanting to make a few of these for a while, so ordered some 550 paracord and buckles from wild elk off the net. Watched a few YouTube vids and here are the results!  Great fun to make and super easy.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

One ring to rule them all!

So this ring is made from a plane tree burl, which may friend gave me. Great fun working on it, but a little soft in parts which was a bit tricky. Sanded then coated it with several coats of superglue followed by a polish.  I think it came out real nice, hope you like it!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Oscar time!

So its been a long time since I posted last. I just wanted to say good luck to Pete lord and the gang at the Oscars tonight, we are all hoping they bring back the golden guy back to bristol. Here's Pete with the Polly I made for him just before Christmas, which he loved.  
I'll have everything crossed and hope pirates win, good luck!